Getting there

Getting there

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Post of Awesome

When I first heard about "The Book of Awesome" I was intrigued. It all began as a blog by a man named Neil Pasricha. The purpose of his blog was to list awesome things, from large to small. They could be things or events that were awesomely life-changing, or tiny little things that made you stop and wonder at all the unnoticed awesome in the world. Eventually this blog became a book, and now a second book as well.

 I found his premise inspirational, as we humans have this tendency to focus on all the decidedly non-awesome things in our world - death, tragedy, and malice. To focus for a just a moment every day on one awesome thing serves as a reminder that there is good and hope in the world.

So today I decided to list some of my personal "awesomes". Perhaps it's due to my political hangover from yesterday's election that I feel the need for some awesome. Perhaps it's because I've felt a bit unsettled and worried about a personal health matter today. Perhaps it's because it's Tuesday. I have no idea, really. But here we go - five of my personal awesomes. Maybe they will remind you of some of your own...

1. Ireland. Do I really need to say anything more than that one word? I will say this - that country makes my heart sing and soothes my soul. Just thinking about it makes me both long for it and relish the memory of it. Awesome.

2. A solitary perfect snowflake. I've always loved snowflakes (but not necessarily when they accumulate into snowbanks). It's the moment when that one perfect snowflake lands on the sleeve of my black jacket and I catch a glimpse of it's crystalline perfection that is truly amazing. Awesome.

3. My local coffee shop. The barista sees me parking and begins making my latte before I've even locked the door of the car. That, my friends, is awesome.

4. Blogging. What I love about blogging is that I can write whatever I want, whenever I want, and I don't even care if anyone reads it. Totally awesome.

5. Hendrick's Gin. I was introduced to this gin by a new friend in Ireland and it's become a staple. I don't drink a gin and tonic every day, but when I do it's always, ALWAYS with cucumber-infused Hendrick's. It feels decadent and it reminds me of Ireland at the same time (even if it's made in Scotland!). Awesome!

So, there you go, dear friends. Those are five awesome things in my life. Some you've probably guessed about me from reading this blog, and some might be news. Dear friends, what is your awesome today? I'd love to hear about it if you'd like to share. And even if you choose not to share it do take a moment today to find one - because every day is better with a little awesome in it.

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